Primarily I would like to express that the health and well-being of our staff, parishioners and our overall community is our highest priority during this pandemic.
In Solidarity with the entire Body of Christ, we will continue to offer televised (live-streamed) liturgies to those who cannot attend Mass, those who are homebound, sick or at risk of infection, with a continued consideration to dispense them, respecting that way the dignity of every human life.
In Solidarity with the entire Body of Christ, we will continue to offer televised (live-streamed) liturgies to those who cannot attend Mass, those who are homebound, sick or at risk of infection, with a continued consideration to dispense them, respecting that way the dignity of every human life.
If you are sick or symptomatic stay home!
If you are sick or symptomatic stay home!
Daily Masses/adoration are cancelled as of July 15, 2020
Weekend Masses will move outdoors July 18th with a Sunday Vigil at 5:00 pm and Sunday July 19 we will celebrate our first Mass at 8:30am in English followed by a 10:30 am Mass in Spanish, due to heat concerns, there will be no 12:30 Mass.
Weekend Masses will move outdoors July 18th with a Sunday Vigil at 5:00 pm and Sunday July 19 we will celebrate our first Mass at 8:30am in English followed by a 10:30 am Mass in Spanish, due to heat concerns, there will be no 12:30 Mass.
The following guidelines will need to be followed in order to comply with our Bishops and The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) during the Public Liturgies.
these guidelines and requirements in order to succeed in our Spiritual Journey.
- Every member of the assembly will be required to wear a facemask: Presider, sacristan, altar servers, readers, ushers as well as the entire congregation.
- The attendees will be asked to bring their own chairs if they wish to sit; anyone who would rather stand during the Mass will be free to do so in the back. Please maintain social distancing.
- At the beginning of every Liturgical Celebration, an usher at the entrance will make sure all guides or norms are followed such as but not limited to entering the worship area with a facemask, the use of hand sanitizer.
- We will continue NOT to distribute the Precious Blood.
- Communion will only be distributed in the hand and only to those attending the celebration.
- NO handshakes during the sign of peace.
- Confessions: Confessions will be offered by appointment only. They will be done outside keeping social distance. Facemasks will be required. Elders may remain in their vehicle during confession.
- After every Mass; The area will be sanitized for the next Mass. All restrooms will be cleaned and supervised to be equipped with hand towels, toilet paper, and hand soap . All Liturgical vessels will be washed with soap and hot water
- NO gatherings will be allowed at the end of every Mass.
- Vestments will continue to be cleaned regularly
- All hymnals and missalettes (and other items) will be removed and stored for the duration of the pandemic.
- Bulletins will be placed on tables or stands for parishioners to pick up.
- There will be a basket for Sunday offertory at the entrance/exit. Ushers will not accept Sunday offertory from people but will direct parishioners to drop it in the basket.
- All new communications will be via e-mail, parish website, mail, and social media.
these guidelines and requirements in order to succeed in our Spiritual Journey.